The Circum-Baikal Railway goes along Baikal lake shore in Irkutsk region. It has been constructed between 1896-1905 years in order to connect the parts of the Trans-Siberian Railway. On this 89 kilometers railway, there are 39 tunnels, bridges, viaducts and galleries.

If you are planning a short trip to Lyon and don't know what to see in town this post will be useful for you. Lyon is the second large city of France with an ancient history and a lot of sightseeing.

Strasbourg is one of the most beautiful cities in France and it definitely deserves every traveler's attention. Both the main cathedral and architecture, in general, were influenced both by France and Germany as Strasbourg is situated on the former disputed territory. But even if you are not interested in architecture or history this city will charm you with its beauty and coziness.

Montmartre cemetery was opened in 1825. A lot of famous people are buried here: Berlioz, Stendhal, Degas, Truffaut, and many others. When the cemetery was opened it was situated outside the city limits but now one of the most popular districts is not far away - Montmartre. It is very strange how part of the cemetery looks now. In XX century right above the tombs, a bridge has been constructed with busy traffic on it.

Whether you have already been in Paris or you are just going to it might be useful to have a list with unusual places in the city. You will find a map with all the places at the end of the post.
1. Parc des Buttes-Chaumont

Oslo is an extraordinary city where you can find either wooden houses and skyscrapers, classicism and modern architecture. To get a representative picture of the city you should see all the sides. To help you to do this here is the list of different Oslo districts below.

In this post, you will see a lot of examples of church reconstruction, restitution and usage of a former church building for a different purpose. Most churches have been closed in 1920-s, 1930-s during the anti-church campaign, a lot of churches were destroyed (you can see them in this post). In recent years a lot of churches have been restituted even though its buildings had been used for other purposes. Some of them don't look like typical church anymore but religious services take place there now. And some look like a church but it is something else now.

Dijon is a small French town in Burgundy. Nevertheless its size the city has a lot of sightseeing which makes it a good option for a one-day trip.

Rotterdam, Netherlands has a complicated history. The city center that was built mainly in XVI-XVII centuries was completely destroyed in the Second World War. Only after 1945, the city began to be rebuilt. But it has been decided that they wouldn't reconstruct the old buildings, but create something new instead - a whole new image of the city with different architecture and different street planning. Comparing the old photos with recent ones we can see how Rotterdam has changed.
Only few buildings were saved in the city center. One of them is Laurenskerk.
Читать далее Тэги:Geneva is a small town in the French canton of Switzerland, which holds surprisingly many attractions and interesting places. The main sightseeings can be seen in 1-2 days. If you have more time you'll get a chance to explore museums (most of them are free), parks and nature. In this post you will find a walking route, a list with all the interesting places and ideas where you can travel next.

There are a lot of interesting buildings in Geneva that have appeared in recent years. Their main characteristics are functionalism and usage of natural materials as well as new technologies. You will see some of the examples below.
1. École allemande (2005)
Chemin de Champ-Claude, 6
Each part of the buildings has its own function.

This post is about buildings, churches, and cemeteries of Saint-Petersburg that no longer exist. In interactive photos below you will see what is located in places where they used to be.
1. Panaev theatre
Admiralty Embankment, 4
Theatre was built in 1887, and was burned down in 1917.
Читать далее Тэги:National romantic style in Saint-Petersburg appeared as a reaction to this architectural stle in Scandinavia and Finland and was very popular in the beginning of the XX century. This style partly changed a city image.
The uniqueness of the national romantic style is the desire to approach to the past using the new matiere. It is a combination of a romantism that slowly goes away, art-nouveau that was very popular and some patterns of the functionalism that will take the place in the future. This transition between the past and the future reflects the changing period of time that was the beginning of the XX century in Russia.
The main characteristics of the style is references to old legends and tales, using plant and animals themes in decorative elements, asymmetry, symbolism and natural materials - such as stone.
One of the most important architects of national romantic style was F.Lidval. The buildings constructed upon his projects are located in Saint-Petersburg, Helsinki, Stockholm, Riga and other cities.
Saint-Petersburg is interesting not only because of classic architecture but also because of industrial buildings. They represent a certain story of the enteprise and architectural style development in general. Most of the buildings in this post were constructed in middle/end of the XIX century - beggining of the XX, have been nationalized in the Soviet time and bancrupted in 1990s. Not many of them are lucky to be still used for their designated purpose -- or be used at all.
In this post, we will see how different and fascinating the industrial buildings of that time are.
1. "Nevka" factory is built in 1846 in early English industrial style. It is a thread trade and nowadays is used for its purpose.

A lot of manor houses and churches in Saint-Petersburg region have been destructed and abandoned. There was a time when they were a great point of interest and now they all seem forgotten.
In this post, we will see why it happened. Of course, this list of monuments is not full - here is what we managed to visit and see by ourselves.
1. Church in Dylitsy (1766) was constructed upon the project of Savva Chevakinskiy in classicism style. The church was closed in 1930s, has been seriously damaged during the war and abandoned since then.